![]() Leslie vanWinkle Reflector 4/6 Human Design Specialist, Transformation Coach, Multi-sensory Intuitive, Em-path As a Reflector, my life is about sampling everything, pushing my comfort zone, and learning from mistakes. After 70+ years of adventurous bumbling, crashing and burning, rising from the ashes, surviving on courage, wit and faith, and learning strategies to cope with paralyzing fears, overwhelming obstacles, traumatizing teenagers, and all the other good stuff I came here to learn... I finally met my Human Design. Thank God! When I first saw my Reflector body graph with all its wide open centers - energy swept through my body like an earthquake. It was as if a switch had been flipped. When I stopped shaking, a lifetime of tears fell from my eyes. A lifetime's burden of self-doubt and self-judgment lifted. I laughed.I was so relieved. I screamed. I was so angry. I prayed. I was so grateful. I looked in the mirror. Awed. Hours later, peace descended. I felt such compassion for the poor soul inside my body. She had been through so much. I resolved to master this. Since then, my life has never been the same. My shift from victim to heroine was swift and powerful. Finally, my terrors no longer held me hostage. I rejoice in my open-hearted nature instead of feeling flawed and exploited Guilt, grief, and regret dissolved as I accepted the lessons of my past and discovered who I came here to be. Several years have since passed. I have trained by Karen Curry-Parker to conduct readings at several levels, as well as focused readings on particular topics. You can read about those on the Readings Page. You can read about my Transformation Coaching here. I still make mistakes, but I correct them a lot faster now. Or at least, I recognize them sooner. Now I coach people just like you - to transform your pain and fears and challenges into the powerful lessons and quantum leaps you came here to experience. And I want that for you. |
My Mission Statement
We Are On The Brink Of A New Think. “It is no longer possible for us to live as pale and diminished versions of ourselves. For a new world in a new millennium, we need a new mind with expanded senses and a deepened spirit.” ~ Jean Houston My purpose is to assist my clients to recognize the patterns of their lives as lessons to master, to find the blessings in those lessons, and to help them shift their context and reframe their human experience into valuable lessons that support their continued personal evolution. My process is to provide Human Design readings and coaching to teach transformation tools and skills needed to shed limiting beliefs and behaviors and avoid repeating ineffective patterns. My clients are empowered to claim their highest good, contribute their gifts to humanity, and experience a life that is more peaceful, balanced, successful, and magnificently more joyful and satisfying. Keep breathing. You volunteered for this.
The planet and the human species are in the midst of an unprecedented evolutionary leap. Evidence of this sacred entropy is all around us.
You volunteered to aid in this evolutionary leap. You agreed to participate in a collective effort to raise the energetic vibration of the human species and of the planet herself. The goal of this effort is to create a critical mass of positive energy in the collective consciousness of the human species --- in order to off-set the dense, negative energy created by centuries of human violence, greed and self-indulgence. It is not a small thing we volunteered to do. Yet, already much is already happening. Prompted by the pandemic and natural disasters, we are seeing an increase in community collaborations and contributions, and global prayer work to heal war-zones. We are seeing an increase in personal responsibility for healing our own wounds and increasing our compassion for ourselves and others. In so doing, we heal the wounds of our past lives and historical tragedies. We are seeing spiritual momentum toward healing our separation from Source, and main streaming the mind-body connection and integral theory. Individually, we are re-balancing our work and family time, creating abundance in alignment with our needs rather than expectations and exploitation by the media. Yet, there is much to heal in our children. They have been fast-laned by social media, shredded by negligence, and despairing of their future. This is our current tragedy. As more and more of us do our personal work, reach out to help others, and add their spiritual consciousness to the collective, we will see and feel a shift in the critical mass. Hopefully it will be enough, in time. |